Translation services
As a professional translator, I only work into my mother tongue.
With this in mind, I offer translation services from English and Spanish into French in several fields: medical/pharmaceutical, technical, legal, general.
Revision and proofreading services
This process includes several steps:
- Analysis of source text
- Analysis of consistency of the text with the terminology used in the subject matter of the text
- Style improvement
- Adaptation of the text to the target audience
- Final corrections: grammatical, spelling, typos, syntax
Major areas of expertise:
Medical/pharmaceutical fields
Medical protocols, contracts between health centres and pharmaceutical companies, biomedical research protocols, clinical studies, clinical studies reports, products’ monographs, user manual of medical devices, medical imaging, forensic reports, scientific papers, medical notices, leaflets, medical software.
Technical/general/legal fields
User manual, technical sheets, websites, instructions for use of toys, press release, contracts, by-laws, financial reports.
If you require my services or further information, do not hesitate to contact me.
I will gladly answer your questions or send you a quote.
Any text that needs to be translated is subject to a prior analysis.
Any text which does not meet minimum quality standard or any text which has been translated with automatic translation software will be rejected.
Computer equipment
CAT tools: Trados Workbench, Trados Studio, memoQ, MemSource, MateCat.
Other useful tools: Antidote, Qt Linguist, Xbench.